Banzai Double Splash Slide Pool Review

Banzai Double Splash Slide PoolI purchased this pool on clearance at Target a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to get a pool for my toddler that wasn't too big, but bigger than those plastic ones you can buy at Wal-mart. This one is perfect for her! She loves the dual slide, although she was quite scared at first.

The plastic is nice and thick and has stood up so far to her jumping all over it. I did not attach the canopy yet because my DD does not like water sprayed on her face, but the pool is perfectly fine (and lots of fun) without it.

Please be advised that you will have to supervise your children, which is obvious because it is a pool, but also because of the slide feature. It is a drowning hazard, like the other reviewer stated, and the childs head could get caught between the pool and the slide on both sides. I wish the slide could detach, but I'm sure my DD would disagree.

Overall, it was worth the money I paid and even if it deflates in a week I will still be happy with my purchase.

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